Speaking Engagement Opportunities
Topics for Seminars, Podcasts, Interviews, & General Education
The Last Things We Talk About
Based on the book of the same title, the seminar will cover exploring meaning and purpose, writing your story, understanding support systems, making wishes known, living arrangements, understanding the medical universe, continuum of care, legal and financial inventories, planning with the end in mind and the dying process along with general principles on grief and loss.
Ten Things Our Clients Need to Know Before They Die
This course allows practitioners to assist patients/clients in prioritizing issues of spiritual, medical, financial, and social issues, encourage practitioners in helping patients in their life review, and legacy plans, and inspires patients to utilize practical communication skills to share their wishes with family and loved ones.
Ten Things To Know Before You Go: Essential Tasks for End of Life
Topics include goals of care, advance directives, telling your story, advocating for your care and planning ahead, creating inventories, making every visit count, understanding chronic and terminal illnesses, saying goodbye, what happens when we die, and understanding grief.
But How Will You Manage? Aging in Place
Explore the options for housing, personal and specialized care, medical needs and plan of care, advance directives for health care, aging in place and navigating the medical universe, home care, and avoiding scams.
Aging and Dementia
By exploring the distinctive characteristics of aging and the different forms of dementia, participants will understand the symptoms of normal aging vs dementia, progressive behaviors, treatment, and specific ways to support the caregiver.
Grief and Loss
Topics include Denial is not a river in Egypt, shock and bargaining, frustration and anger, getting unstuck, developing goals and reallocating time, and moving into you 2.0.
How to Have a Meaningful Visit
Visiting someone in the hospital or home can be a daunting task. What to say, how to prepare, what to bring or not to bring? Discover creative ways to make the visit memorable.